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Eligibility & Procedures

Child Care Eligibility

  1. Who is eligible to receive child care assistance?
    Anyone who lives in the same home with his or her child(ren), is actively participating in a qualifying activity (working, attending school, WV Works program participant), and whose income does not exceed the maximum guideline may be eligible for financial assistance for child care. If both biological or adoptive parents live in the same home as the child, or if the biological or adoptive parent is married, then both parents or guardians must be participating in a qualifying activity.

  2. Will my child care be paid for while I look for work?
    Job search is not considered a qualifying activity unless the applicant has a referral from the WV Works program and is participating in a Job Readiness/Job Search activity. The applicant must provide a written verification/referral from WV Works when applying for child care services.

  3. What are the income requirements?
    To be eligible for child care subsidy services the parent must first meet the income guidelines based at 150% of the poverty level. Once services have been established income may raise to 185% of the national poverty level.

  4. Can I be a child care provider and still receive child care assistance for my own children?
    A child care provider may not receive financial assistance for their own children during the same time that they are providing child care for others. However, if the child care provider participates in a qualifying activity outside of the home, he/she may receive assistance for those times. Providing child care is not considered a qualifying activity. Please note that income earned as a child care provider will also be considered when determining eligibility.

  5. How do I apply for child care assistance?
    Applicants must apply for child care assistance in person at any of our four locations, preferably in his/her home county.

  6. What do I need to bring with me to apply for child care assistance?
    Applicants must provide:

    • Proof of Identity

    • Proof of Residency

    • Verification of Child Support received or not received

    • Verification of WV Works activity (if applicable)

    • Verification of School Schedule (if applicable)

    • Verification of Employment (if applicable) with the most recent month’s pay-check stubs

    • Verification of any other unearned income received

    • Verification of Citizenship for each child in care

  7. Can I apply for child care assistance over the phone or online?
    No. All applications must be made in person at any of our four locations.

  8. I just started a new job and have not yet been paid. How can I verify my employment?
    An applicant who has not yet worked for 30 days may obtain a “Verification of Employment” form from a case manager at Connect CCR&R. The form must be completed by the applicant’s employer and returned to the case manager before the pre-determined deadline.

  9. Does child care assistance pay for doctor’s appointments, errands, shopping, etc?
    No. Child care assistance will only be paid for the pre-approved times that cover the applicant’s qualifying activity.

  10. I do not receive child support. Can I still apply for child care assistance?
    Yes. However, if the applicant is registered with the Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (BCSE) and is not receiving payments verifcation from BCSE will need to be submitted..

  11. I am receiving child support. Can I still apply for child care assistance?
    Yes. If the applicant has registered with the BCSE he/she must provide verification of monthly support payments. If the applicant has an agreement with the absent parent outside of the BCSE, he/she must submit a signed statement from the payer regarding the monetary amount that he/she pays per month.

  12. What happens to my child care if I lose my job?
    A loss of employment, either voluntary or involuntary, must be reported to Connect CCR&R within 5 days. A case manager will discuss what options are available during this time.

  13. What should I do if my situation changes after I have applied?
    Any changes, regardless of the effect on eligibility, must be reported to Connect CCR&R within 5 days. Case managers at Connect CCR&R will provide the appropriate paperwork to maintain eligibility to document the change(s).

  14. What is a child care fee?
    A child care fee is the amount of money the applicant is responsible for paying to the child care provider per day, per child. The child care fee is determined according to the family’s monthly gross income and is based on a sliding fee scale.

  15. Will my personal information remain confidential?
    Yes. All information is considered confidential. Information will not be released without the applicant’s written consent.

Connect Child Care Resource and Referral Office Information

1 Player's Club Dr. Suite 150
Charleston, WV 25311
Telephone: 304-414-4488
Fax: 304-414-4694
Toll Free: 1-888-595-8290
Email Verifications to:

Child Care Reviews

  1. Can I fax my application or verifications to your office?
    Applications or Review Forms may not be faxed because original signatures are required. However, many verifications can be faxed. If an applicant chooses to fax verification, it is recommended that he/she follow up with a phone call to Connect CCR&R to confirm if the fax was or was not received.

  2. Do you have a drop box?
    Yes, our main office has a drop box. Correspondence may also be mailed, faxed, or delivered in person to the Connect CCR&R office during regular business hours. .

  3. If I drop something off at the office do I have to see a Case Manager?
    No. It is not necessary to see a case manager unless an application needs to be made. However, an individual may, at any time, request to see a case manager.

  4. Who can I talk to if I have a question or a problem?
    Case Managers are trained in child care policy and should be able to answer any questions. However, if a case manager cannot provide a satisfactory answer or solution, any individual may speak with a supervisor on duty at any time.

  5. How often will my child care case be reviewed?
    Once an application has been approved a “case” is opened. Child care cases must be reviewed every six months or sooner if deemed necessary by a case manager or supervisor

  6. None of my information has changed. Do I still need a review?
    Yes. Child care policy requires that cases are reviewed at least once every six months, and that new, updated verifications are submitted.

  7. What happens if I fail to complete my review?
    If an individual fails to complete a child care review prior to the last day of eligibility, the child care case will close and that individual will become responsible for paying the full amount of child care costs without financial assistance. However, the individual may reapply for services in person at Connect CCR&R.

  8. Why has my child care fee changed?
    Child care fees may change following a review because the family’s monthly gross income is reassessed at that time.

Referrals and Provider Info

  1. Where can I get a list of child care providers?
    Referrals are available by calling Connect CCR&R during regular business hours. In order to best meet your needs, we will ask you your desired area for child care, the age of your child(ren) and your address and phone number. Although some lists are given over the phone, we always follow up with a written list along with our Disclaimer Notice.

  2. My child care provider has been “closed.” How can I find out what happened?
    Connect CCR&R is required to maintain the confidentiality of child care providers in the same way that it does for parents. Parents receive written notice from Connect CCR&R if your child care provider is being closed. Unless children are in immediate danger and must be removed from the provider’s care right away, the parents are generally given 13 days to choose a new child care provider. Child care referrals are available through Connect CCR&R for this purpose.

  3. My child was dropped because my contract was violated with my child care provider. Are they allowed to do that?
    Yes, they are. Child care providers are business owners. They are not employees of Connect CCR&R or the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. In addition, providers have bills to pay, and numerous other considerations regarding their business. Make sure you read your contract with your child care provider carefully before you sign it and agree to their terms. Refer to the FAQ’s about reporting complaints if you feel you must report a provider.


  1. Who do I contact to report child abuse or neglect?
    Allegations of child abuse and neglect should be taken seriously. If you know of it, or have reasonable suspicions, call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-352-6513.

  2. How can I make a complaint on a Child Care Center? Child Care Facility? Family Child Care Home?
    Complaints regarding a Child Care Center should be directed to the Child Care Licensing Specialist in the appropriate county, or can be made online at Complaints regarding Child Care Facilities or Family Child Care Homes should be directed to Connect CCR&R.

  3. Who can I speak with if I am unsatisfied with the status of my child care case?
    If the case manager is unable to resolve the issue, the applicant/client may be referred to a supervisor. If the applicant/client is still unsatisfied with the status of their child care case, he/she may request to speak to the Director of Connect CCR&R or may request a hearing before a State Hearings Officer with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.

  4. Where can I view Child Care Policy?
    Child Care Policy can be viewed anytime online

Phone: 304-414-4488

Fax: 304-414-4694

Toll Free: 1-888-595-8290

1 Player's Club Drive Suite 150  Charleston, WV 25311

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